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20 Essential Questions to Ask a Professional House Cleaner Before Hiring


The Gleam Team 20 questions to ask your cleaner before you hire
Arm yourself for success with these questions you MUST ask your pro house cleaner BEFORE you hire them!

Hey there, savvy homeowner! Let’s face the undeniable truth – finding the right house cleaner can be as tricky as deciphering hieroglyphics. We've all heard horror stories of mops gone rogue and dust bunnies throwing wild parties. But fear not, because we're about to drop the ultimate metaphoric mic with our 20 dynamite questions to grill those cleaning pros. Get ready to turn your cleaning conundrums into a success story that even HGTV would envy!

To help you avoid any disappointment and find the best quality service, we have compiled a comprehensive list of twenty prying and revealing questions to ask before accepting a quote. These questions cover crucial aspects such as insurance coverage, employee vetting, standard operating procedures, quality control, and more. By asking these questions, you can ensure that you are hiring a truly professional cleaner who will leave your home spotless, and your expectations exceeded.

1. "Spill the Beans on Your Insurance Magic Act!"/What kind of insurance do you have? How much coverage?

Don't let accidents turn your home into a circus. Ask about their insurance coverage. After all, we want cleaning, not disappearing acts! Knowing their insurance details ensures that you and your property are protected in case of any accidents or damages during the cleaning process.

2. "Who Gets the VIP Pass through Your Vetting Velvet Ropes?"/What is your employee vetting process like?

Let's play detective! Unearth their employee vetting process. You want your home to be cleaner than James Bond's background check. Understanding how the company screens its employees provides peace of mind, ensuring that trustworthy individuals will be entering your home.

3. "Training or Ninja School?"/What type of training do your employees receive?

Is it just cleaning, or are they training for the next Clean-O-lympics? Inquire about their training program. We want cleaning pros, not rookie rollers! Inquiring about their training program ensures that the cleaners possess the necessary skills and expertise to handle different cleaning tasks efficiently.

4. "Quality Control or Bust!"/How do you ensure quality control?

A cleaning company without quality control is like a donut without a hole – pointless. Dig deep into their quality assurance measures. We want perfection, not patchy polishing! A professional cleaning company should have a system in place to monitor and maintain high-quality standards. Ask about their quality assurance measures.

5. "Is Your Cleaning SOP as Tight as a Drum?"/Do you have a standard operating procedure for your house cleaner?

We like our cleaning procedures like our favorite playlist – consistent. Ask about their standard operating procedure for house cleaning. Let's groove to some cleaning rhythm! A well-defined and consistent cleaning procedure ensures that your home receives a thorough and consistent cleaning every time.

6. "Eco-Warrior or Chemical Conqueror?"/What types of products do you use? Are they environmentally friendly?

What's in their cleaning arsenal? Are they eco-warriors or chemical conquerors? We want clean and green, not toxic terrors! Knowing the cleaning products used is crucial, especially if you have specific preferences or concerns about environmentally friendly cleaning solutions.

7. "License to Clean?"/Are you licensed and bonded?

Ask the big question – are they licensed and bonded? You don't want a cleaner who's more '007' than 'OCD.' A legitimate and professional cleaner should have the necessary licenses and bonding, providing further assurance of their credibility and accountability.

8. What type of guarantee do you offer?

Does their guarantee rock your socks off? Ask about their satisfaction guarantee policy. We want peace of mind, not just pine-scented air! Ask about their satisfaction guarantee policy to ensure that they stand behind their work and are committed to delivering exceptional results.

9. How do you handle customer complaints?

What's their customer complaint strategy? We want problem-solving pros, not finger-pointing fiends! Understanding their protocol for addressing customer complaints demonstrates their commitment to resolving any issues promptly and satisfactorily.

10. "Cleaning Tools: High-Tech or Old-School?"/What methods and tools do you use for cleaning?

Are they cleaning with gadgets from the future or relics from the past? Find out about their methods and tools. We want modern marvels, not medieval mop-ups! Knowing the techniques and equipment they employ will help you gauge their expertise and determine if they use industry-standard practices.

11. "Background Check or Blind Date?"/Are your employees background checked?

Are their employees background-checked? You deserve trustworthy cleaning crews, not surprise guests at your home. Ensuring that the cleaners have undergone thorough background checks reinforces your confidence in their reliability and trustworthiness.

12. "Dial-a-Reference!"/Do you have references I can contact?

Requesting references allows you to hear directly from past clients, gaining insights into their experiences and the quality of service provided.

13. How long have you been in business?

How long have they been in business? We want experienced, not extinct! Experience often correlates with expertise and professionalism, making this question essential in evaluating the company's track record.

14. Do you have any customer reviews or testimonials?

Read those reviews and testimonials like your life depends on it. We want five-star cleanings, not two-bit services. Reading reviews and testimonials from previous clients helps you gauge their reputation and overall customer satisfaction.

15. What is the average time it takes you to complete a house cleaning?

How long do they take for a cleaning session? We want cleaning, not a never-ending saga. Understanding the estimated time required for a thorough cleaning ensures that their service aligns with your expectations and schedule.

16. Do you offer any discounts or promotions?

Inquiring about discounts or promotions can help you make an informed decision if you're on a budget or looking for cost-effective options.

17. What payment methods do you accept?

Knowing the available payment options ensures a smooth and convenient transaction process.

18. "What's on the Extra Menu?"/Do you offer any additional services?

Inquiring about additional services allows you to explore the possibility of bundling services or addressing specific cleaning needs.

19. "The Cancellation Chronicles!"/What is your policy for canceled or rescheduled jobs?

Understanding their policies regarding cancellations or rescheduling will help you navigate any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

20. Do you offer any type of satisfaction guarantee?

A final reminder – ask about their satisfaction guarantee. We want smiles, not sighs! Reiterating the importance of a satisfaction guarantee ensures that the cleaning company is committed to meeting and exceeding your expectations.


By asking these twenty revealing questions, you can confidently assess the professionalism and quality of a house cleaning service before accepting their quote. Remember, a professional cleaner should be transparent, possess the necessary insurance coverage, follow standard operating procedures, prioritize quality control, and exhibit a commitment to customer satisfaction. Armed with this knowledge, you can hire a cleaning service that delivers exceptional results and leaves your home spotless, giving you peace of mind and a pleasant cleaning experience.

Finding the ultimate cleaning pro isn't rocket science; it's just a matter of asking the right questions. So, go ahead and make your home sparkle like it's on a red carpet, because you deserve nothing but the coolest, cleanest digs in town!

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