Having clean motorcycle wheels is a sign of pride for any rider, and a major investment to ensure that they are looking their best. Cleaning the wheels of a motorcycle may not be the most exciting task a rider will face, but it is necessary in order to keep it looking great. Below are six steps that a rider can undertake in order to ensure that their motorcycle wheels stay clean and rust-free.
First, inspect the wheels thoroughly. The wheels should be washed and dried, then a close inspection should be done to identify any rust, tarnish, pitting, or unevenness in the wheel rims or spokes. Ensure that any rust spots or imperfections are noted, as these may require additional attention and clean up.
Second, have the wheels prepared for cleaning. A cleaner specifically designed for washing wheels should be used, such as one that is labeled non-abrasive. Moto Detail Wheel Cleaner is a great choice for this purpose. Make sure to follow instructions on the package, as some wheel cleaners may require additional pre-treatment before cleaning.
Third, begin to clean the wheels with a soft bristle brush. For brass or aluminum wheels, use a brass or aluminum brush and for steel wheels, a stainless steel brush is best. Brushing is an important step as it helps to remove dirt, grit, and grime that may have stuck to the wheel surface.
Fourth, once the brushing is complete, rinse the wheels and allow them to dry. Once dry, inspect the wheels again and make sure that all rust spots and imperfections have been identified. Proceed to the appropriate next step for your bike’s wheels.
Fifth, if the wheels have any serious rust spots, pitting, or unevenness, these should be addressed immediately. Steel wheels may require welding, while aluminum and brass wheels may require buffing or polishing. Depending on the severity of the issue, it might be best to seek professional help or invest in a wheel restoration kit.
Finally, finish up the wheels to prevent future rust and corrosion. After any welding or buffing/polishing is done, make sure to apply a wax sealant specifically designed for motorcycle wheels. Other options include using a protective coating or paint sealant. Applying a wax or sealant regularly will significantly increase the longevity of the wheels and prevent future rust or tarnishing.
In order to have great looking, rust-free wheels, the process outlined above must be followed. While it can be a big investment, investing in the proper materials and supplies once, and then following the steps above on a regular basis, will help to preserve the wheels of any motorcycle for years to come.