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Dooms & Glooms: What's Hindering Us From De-Cluttering?

Writer's picture: The Gleam Team Cleaning CompanyThe Gleam Team Cleaning Company

With summer and beautiful weather in full-blown swing, deep cleaning the home pervades as a common theme across the land and throughout time.

Cleaning can be stressful professional residential cleaning
Now I gotta do this!?

This sort of deep cleaning brings what often feels like a tremendously hefty task (because it technically must come first - an intimidation position on the cleaning roster from the outset ): The Dreaded Decluttering Process.

"We have met the enemy and he is us." -Walt Kelly

While decluttering is a colossal topic capable of reaching depths and lengths of light years and spanning much thematic and symbolic ground, today we’re walking through some possible ways of thinking that may be decelerating our growth, and thus, the tidying process in our hearts and homes.

*We must always keep in mind: the mind, our mind, is the master key to all that we do!

-and from time to time we may slip into patterns of thinking that prevent our progress in any given endeavor.

We must be willing to make some modifications in the manner we think if we are ever going to make lasting changes in our homes in the name of healthy living.

Following are a few of the standard attitudes that might need to be addressed and treated prior to attempting a strong start to decluttering success:

The Overly-Pragmatic Mindset - Do you ask, "Why put away the toothpaste if I'm going to get it right back out again in a few hours?" "Why make the bed just to unmake it again this evening?"

Messy bathroom Decluttering Stress professional cleaning service
It happens before you know it!

*These ideas may have roots in "realism"- but they thwart reaching the goal (a beautiful, messless, clean home) completely!

The goal focus must sway in the direction of true clean and with it, the equally practical thought that whispers, “It only takes minutes, even seconds, for a few small moves to ensure more daily freedom from clutter.” It’s worth the investment in the building of those habits and the squelching of counterproductive mind “practicalities”.

The Myth of "Creative Disorganization"- It is an old-spun verity that most creative and/or intelligent people have it in their natures to be somewhat disorganized; creatives have also been said to run their lives in a deliberately disorganized fashion.

Frequently, however, this clutter-overload interferes with the fullest use of the creative gift. Simply imagine the time spent in pursuit of misplaced or lost supplies and materials; this out-of-order process actually fatigues the act of creation! What a cryin’ shame that clutter and mess can douse the creative dream, even more pointedly when the mess has the potential to ruin the product wrought of the creative burst! An uncluttering allows energy to flow where it can blossom and produce unencumbered.

Living With One's Heart in the Right Place but Head in the Famous Fog- "World hunger, clean water shortages, dedication to the struggling children and youth of our nation-these are the things that warrant our concern and care. Dusting, moving things about the house, wiping surfaces down-how can such things be believed important in light of such substantial pursuits as serving the aforementioned?? Clutter removal seems insignificant by comparison."

*See, the trouble is that if we are messy or disorganized at home, chances are we may lose our potential to genuinely make changes. How can we finish the book we're writing on watershed damages if we can't find the first four chapters we penned on paper while sitting by the river? How can we organize a drive to help world hunger if we can't locate the personal information list we collected at the event for volunteers to help us…?

"Organized chaos" is still a good dose of chaos, nonetheless. Reduce chaos, induce peace, harmony, and productivity - hopefully on behalf of yourSelf first - so you can give optimally back to the people and causes that need you.

Here is a dusting more of psychological hangups to ponder as we take on bettering the upkeep of our homes:

•"Problems” put on us as children by adults:

Conjure the possibility of a young lad expected to clean - told but never shown because mom is too “busy”…. so the chores are done, but nowhere near to the UNexpressed expectations and standards of the phone-distracted and job-exhausted mother; pepper into the scenario the perceived injustice - then yelling, slamming, often tears, and possibly damage (to soul and property as well) - and the aversion to anything related to clean has been seeded.

These types of everyday-but-seemingly benign occurrences are just the ripe grounds for growing hang ups and habits contrary to keeping clean and decluttered. Housekeeping becomes akin to discomfort and unpleasantness early in life. It is only a short soft-shoe from here to the idea that cleaning house causes frustration and should be avoided come rain or shine.

Problems created when we're children
Oh, the future effects...

**But we've long left puerility-we can pull back, look forthrightly at the complication of a cluttered life as it exists today, and take a new and mature running leap at getting our homes and hearts sincerely in order! It starts by tackling the extraneous clutter.

•Depression or emotional upset:

Often, certain negative episodes in life can cause a disorderly existence and put a pause on recovery from the same.

If your housekeeping lacks a solid clean foundation, this could actually have a hand in exacerbating your depression; the only way to surmount the downward spiral is by quickly getting a grip on things. It may not be easy to start, but one small declutter-success will lead to another, and slowly, organically, a modus operandi of victory and order will emerge. Remember, it presumably took a spell to wind up in the current stacked situation and it may take some time to dig yourself out. The most important idea is that you are actually making moves in the right direction.

Sure, we sometimes feel disheartened when piles suddenly get deep and wide, and we have every right to experience emotions wrought by sifting through and discarding clutter -but do not stop and give up the ghost! Even the smallest steps will yield results that you can readily see!

Have in mind: you don't have to aim for perfection-you just want to be a better housekeeper. Better comes incrementally. Begin the process and see where it leads - there are fine rewards in even the most miniscule victories.

*We may have no idea how limiting expectations can be! However, they are a “catch-22” of sorts - meticulousness must be hearkened when under the spell of these mind-wiles.

*Every human exercise, whether acted as an outward movement or as an inner working of thought, is an endorsement of a certain habit. Rehearsal of that action or thought greatens the chances of that habit sticking around by and large.

**Be diligent! Shield yourself against the first performance of a wrong act. What you do once, you're likely to repeat.

Purpose to never set an empty cup anywhere but in the sink or washer; Vow to file every new receipt in a folder; Swear to place the cosmetics back in the drawer after use. Endeavor to master your mind, form only positive habits, and avoid the clutter.

It is by repetition that a habit grows stronger and bigger, like a snowball amassing with every rotation down the hill. As you begin to think about the clutter that stifles, confounds, compounds, and awaits - begin to use your reason in all your housekeeping actions; otherwise, you may thoughtlessly convert yourself into a helpless slave to undesirable clutter habits. Who wants to dwell in that?…..

….and who'd have thunk the subject of decluttering the home could reap such profound fruit! There’s more to be revealed of Self and of your home; both the mind and the rooms are aching to be decluttered so they can be and do to the fullest and brightest potential.

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Get your Professional Cleaning lined up today!Once you've decluttered, give us a shout!

***If you have any comments on this topic, please share them with us below. We adore and appreciate your input and connection with the community!

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