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11 Tests to Know if Your House Cleaners Did A Thorough Job: Tried and True Methods

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

The Gleam Team Cleaning Companies 4 point quality assurance program
Does your cleaning team have a supervisor who checks behind everyone's work?

🌟 Welcome to The Gleam Team Cleaning Co, where we believe in transforming your home into a haven of pure sparkle and tranquility! Picture this: you've hired a professional cleaner, only to discover that your precious abode is still playing hide and seek with cleanliness. But fret not, dear reader, for we've concocted a thrilling adventure to unmask the shady cleaners and bring forth the cleaning champions! Buckle up and prepare for a wild ride through the world of cleaning scrutiny!

1. Dust Bunnies, Begone! 🐰✨

First up, our dusty adversaries! Grab your detective glasses and hunt for those sneaky dust particles lurking behind your favorite ornaments. Other great spots to check, that are often overlooked, are the tops of door frames, the blades of ceiling fans, and the legs/feet of certain furniture. If you spot any, well, someone's got some explaining to do!

checking for dust after having a paid cleaning
Check everywhere for dust!

2. The Sneaky Sticky Surface Challenge! 🕵️‍♂️

Ever wondered if your cleaner has the magic touch? Run your fingers over surfaces and unveil the mysteries of stickiness. If they're leaving behind a trail of gooey surprises, it might be time to bid them adieu!

3. Dance Like Nobody's Watching... On Your Floors! 💃🕺

Slip off your shoes and tango across your floors. Can you feel debris underfoot or encounter mysterious sticky spots? If so, your floors are telling tales – tales of neglect! Time for a cleaning intervention, wouldn’t you say?

4. Bathroom Chronicles: Soap Scum Wars! 🛁🚿

Enter the bathroom battleground and inspect for soap scum, water stains, and grimy grout. If your bathroom looks like it's hosting a soap scum party, it's a red flag! Your cleaner should be fighting the grime, not joining the party!

5. Mirror, Mirror, On the Wall... Are You Streak-Free After All? 🪞

Take a good, hard look at your mirrors from all angles. Any streaks or smudges trying to photobomb your reflection? Let’s keep those mirrors selfie-ready and free from smudgy intruders!

Checking the microwave after professional house cleaning
Is your cleaning company up to the task of tackling the mighty microwave? If they claim to be, then it's high time you put them to the test! Don't forget to give those sneaky areas under the turn-table, as well as the rollers and mechanisms, a thorough inspection. Are they truly as clean as they should be? Let's find out!

6. The Great Kitchen Caper! 🍳🍽️

Inspect your kitchen like a culinary detective. Are there hidden food particles or stubborn stains sulking on your countertops and appliances? If your kitchen is looking like a crime scene, it's time to call in the cleaning cavalry!

7. Cobwebs: Not Your Home’s New BFF! 🕸️

Armed with a broom in case of flying spider attack, check ceilings and corners for cobwebs that seem to have set up shop. If your home is starting to resemble a haunted mansion, it's time to have your cleaner look up and clear out those unwelcome eight-legged guests!

8. Odor Alert: Sniff Out the Culprit! 👃

Take a deep breath and follow your nose. Any lingering odors trying to sabotage your home's fresh vibes? Your home should smell like roses, not like yesterday's takeout! (unless of course you have a phobia of vampires and require that fresh garlic hang from every door! in which case, totally understandable).

9. Upholstery Undercover Operation! 🛋️🕵️

Investigate your furniture and cushions for dust prints or mysterious pet hair gatherings. Your furniture should be a sanctuary of comfort, not a hiding spot for unwanted surprises! After checking under the cushions, check out the floor under the furniture. Any dust bunny colonies?

Checking for dust under the couch after a professional cleaning service.
Make sure to always inspect beneath your furniture for the perpetually elusive dust bunny colony! Your diligent cleaner should never overlook this crucial task.

10. The Grand Detail Extravaganza! 🧼

But wait, there's more! Dive into the nitty-gritty with the Baseboard, Vents, Light Fixtures, Cabinet Face/Inside, Doorknob and Light Switch, Blinds/Curtains, Wall, and Pet Hair tests! Because we believe in leaving no stone unturned and no corner uncleaned! Depending on the level of service you selected from your professional house cleaner, these tests can be performed to ensure that the job really is being done to your expectations.

11. Trashcan Tales: Outside Edition! 🗑️

Even your trashcan's exterior isn't safe! Give it a quick once-over. If it's looking grubby, it's time to remind your cleaner that even the outside deserves some TLC.

Now, with all due respect, there are occasions when household items and surfaces are so battered that no amount of cleaning can salvage them. It's a whole different ball game, my friend, and you shouldn't hold your cleaner accountable for things they simply cannot change (unless, of course, they decided to switch careers and become a carpenter or painter... now that would be something!). Let's be clear here: there's a fine line between shoddy work and the inability to eradicate a stubborn stain... and that's precisely what those aforementioned tests are designed to determine. Don't let a few unscrupulous individuals tarnish your perception of professional house cleaners. Remember, one rotten apple doesn't spoil the whole orchard!

At The Gleam Team Cleaning Co, we're not just cleaning enthusiasts; we're cleanliness superheroes on a righteous mission! We're here to rescue you from the clutches of subpar cleaning and unveil the wonders of a truly spotless sanctuary. So, gear up, dear reader, and let the cleaning adventures begin! Your home deserves nothing but the gleamiest, shiniest, and most immaculate treatment. After all, a clean home isn't just a place to live – it's a haven that sparkles with joy and tranquility while life's finer moments unfold like fresh laundry. Happy cleaning and may your home forever gleam with brilliance! ✨🏡

Also, if you have some unique tests of your own that you perform after having your home cleaned, please let us know in the comments below! And as always, give this article a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it and would like to see more like this!


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