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Remembering The Home's Hidden Systems

Writer: Juxtaposed Tides Media Service Juxtaposed Tides Media Service

The Home’s Hidden Systems -

They Need TLC, Too...

It is easy, especially during the hot summer and the chill winter, to take for granted the machines and devices and means by which our everyday comforts are provided.

Therefore, the turning of the seasons, especially the spectacular segue from summer to fall, is a lovely time to take care of some often overlooked household tasks carried out in some rarely considered spots.

So many of the systems in our homes are under wraps - the vents and pipes and wires we depend on for air, water, and light are just a sprinkling of the accoutrements needed to keep all systems a-go in and around the esconced recesses of the modern home.

The more you know, the more you can control, and it would be to any home dweller's advantage to be able to recognize, locate and have a general working understanding, even some base level wisdom, concerning the multiple concealed systems that keep a domicile functional and comfy in every cove.

As mentioned, these convenience-laden systems in our homes are, for the most part, invisible! Hence, how natural it is to have that blind faith that the cozy comfort train is a-chuggin' away unwitttingly with stern and steady strength on a robust belly of coal. Our eyes are so oft full of the scenes on our screens in this age that we neglect to entertain internally the intricacies that "lie beneath" (as well as above, around, within, etc.) in our dwellings, and to neglect is to adopt a certain ignorance; who would choose to hold fast to ignorance when the knowledge is so ripe for easy picking in any season? Shouldn't we all know at least a smidge about our systems if we are going to claim them as crucial?

In this quest for the banishment of home systems naivete, there is no need to become a master electrician, or plumber, or an HVAC hero to learn how to check in on these systems with regularity. Trust that this tiny bit of time can save you beaucoups in the long run as you snag some early recon about potential problems hovering on the horizon. With a will to know the basic scoop on your systems, a keen set of senses, and some minor TLC, you could possibly see some disasters narrowly averted and keep a pocketbook untouched by the man in the repair van.

It would behoove you and any homeowner to learn not only the locations of these systems but how to make small adjustments and repairs to them, too. After all the entire abode is yours and don't you want to know what you've got? In full?? All the crannies and nooks and machines therein? The power that knowledge brings can save more than just fact, it can pay back in personal satisfaction and beyond.

One great step you can take from the jump:

Divising a little checklist of monthly and seasonal reminders to keep these systems analyzed and in good working order is a grande start. Throw some dates on the ol' calendar or dial up some digital reminders to nudge the process to fruition.

Besides prolonging the very life of your house and the comforts that lie within its walls, solid housekeeping is also about taking steps to safeguard the well-being of all who fellowship in it. The networks and mechanisms regarding the air and water that enter your body need to be assessed as "performing nicely" so the health of you and everyone there can remain unthreatened.

Here is a good (albeit non-inclusive) list of some home systems to keep in mind while creating a checklist for assessment:

Air Quality - It is essential that you learn the basics to assess the condition of the air you breathe. No doubt, air quality is LIFE quality right on down to the cellular level. Quite critical it is.

Speaking of "it," It goes without saying that the cleaner your house is, the fresher the air will be - but cleanliness alone will not seal the deal - in modern homes in modern times with modern pollutants proliferating, you will also need ventilation and filtration systems to be functioning at their most robust potentials.

*Points For Focus (and Further Self-Investigation/Knowledge) - Air Quality




*Natural Fresheners



*Clothes Dryer Duct Vacuum

Water Systems -The plumbing system through which water flows into and out of your home is essential to your health and well-being. The vessels carrying life-giving water stretch like aqua highways all within the recesses of the walls and floors of your home transporting fresh in and ushering dirty out. The flow needs to be sure and the contamination nil. Pipes must be checked and tended if these processes aren't sound.

Caring for and promptly reparing damaged pipes and leaky faucets will cut major costs and ensure crucial comforts. Perhaps most importantly, precious water will be conserved. There is never a wrong time to remember the gift of clean water - PIPED IN, no less! What a convenience that should be meditated on with the gravity it deserves given the millions without that security. If the blessing of a convenience is obtained, it ought to be maintained as well.

The hot-water tank inspection falls within this system's needs. Most folk relish a hot shower or bath and dirty dishes warrant that pipin' hot scouring for the family's health. 8-12 years is the life of a water heater, and a replacement ramps up to over $1000, so squeezing the most from that sweet piece of equipment takes some regular look-ins.

*Points For Focus - Hot Water Heater/Plumbing

*Gas Lines

*Sediment Deposits - Hard Water

*Pressure Relief Valve

*Anode Rod

*Tank Flush


*Cleared Space




Heating/Cooling Systems- A nice, even flow of heated or cooled air has become such an exquisite norm, many no longer auditorily register the tell-tale click from the wall box that signals some perfectly temeratured air is about to envelope the skin. We like our living air to be "conditioned" for the season, so the systems dolng this out should stay in our sights and the click should remind us of our bounty regularly.

Understanding the rudiments of your particular system, being cognizant of the "feels" and sounds of the system, and eyeng the power bill carefully will tote you a long way in keeping the flow efficient and vigorous.

*Points for Focus: Heating & Cooling Systems

*Air Flow Consistency

*Temperature Comfort




*Allergen Symptoms

*Energy Bill

Electrical Systems - Along with natural gas and

fuel oil, electricity supplies many of the comforts we take for granted.

"Let there be Light! Sound! Food! LIFE!"

The service panel, wiring, outlets, switches and more are your house's circulatory system. Like our bodies, we must have that electrical energy to keep the modern home and it's appliances ticking.

When this system is functioning, it’s easy to put it out of mind; when there’s an interruption and our appliances, lights, electronics, and systems cessate their abilities, crisis can ensue, and when there is true disrepair or malfunction in the interworkings of this particular system, you could lose your home to disaster.

Acquaintance with your system and little basic knowledge can go a long way toward sensing and diagnosing potential problems and ensuring that all that energy is humming along safely.

*Points for Focus: Electrical Systems

*Surge Protection

*Short Circuits

*Fraying/Exposed Wiring

*Junction Box


*Service Panel


Home Security Systems- Humans want to feel that their hard-earned assets are lock, stock and barrel secure. Modern security systems have some phenomenal features: hidden and exposed cameras, auto-calling alarms police, etc. Intruders usually balk when security systems are on deck to deter, and fires can receive a speedier response when no one is home to sense their presence. If afforded, these systems can literally save.

With or without an actual alarm, security should be a present concern that spurs some awareness for all who inhabit a home.

*Points for Focus: Home Security

*Locks and Glass - Doors and Windows

*Motion/Flood Lights



Here's a Handful of Helpful Hints to get you started in the knowledge of your systems and the prevention of costly repairs and crummy discomforts:

* Read and save the instruction manuals that come with your home's hidden appliances. Store them in a place that is easy to reach.

*Do your research. Knowledge is power. Wisdom is priceless. Grab all you can...

* Keep the necessary tools and implements needed to inspect, tune and repair systems close and in one collective spot. A compact toolbox is never a wasted expense.

* Break down your maintenance schedule to make it easier to tackle and manage. Get that checklist going and include the above systems and their tips on a rotating schedule.

* Keep a good schedule/maintenance journal with precise details recorded (date you changed air filters, month you inspected pipes, etc.) as well as the next needed look projections. You can rarely have enough documentation and data to use when the time and need shows itself.

*Not quite a "system" but vital, nonetheless, is your home's skeleton and its base. Asses your actual structure and its foundation with regularity. It is crucial to prevent decay, deterioration, and support failure. This would include a close look at floor slants, wall cracks, moisture collection, etc. This is an entire article within itself, so look back for more to come!


In the end, creating and keeping a comfortable, safe, enjoyable home is as easy as taking a few proactive steps. Jump the gun on disruptions of peace and harmony; use your maintenance calendar to remind yourself of the essential tasks and your wits to prevent a wrinkle in the life-fabric. A few mindful steps will keep your mechanical systems humming soundly and your days cozy and fruitful.


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