Deep into the dogdays of summer; no better time for this memento to all our family and friends out there forever-two-wheeling the earth-top (as well as those among us who do not ride, but do, however, daily drive in the bigger, boxy, closed-in vehicles; valuable learnings are at thumb here).
Common sense, you say? Practically a gag, huh?
Harr harr, just take in any MotoStars, Yammie Noob or Dandan the Fireman video on your handheld and prove the case to not be in favor of humanity. There are almost more motorcycle-fail videos than there are cat memes….
If you are one claiming common sense, you a.) either have it, OR b.) haven’t seen the aftermath of a t-bone crash involving a biker wearing non-DOT, half-shell style helmet: The scene is gruesome, especially given that the rider took most of the impact directly from the side of the vehicle to his chin and upper body, the mechanism of injury being high-to-offthecharts, his airways (aka LIFELINES), both mouth and nose are destroyed, mangled. This, in the end, would be the rider's fatal illness-suffocation-no airways, no breathing. Just a fun day out on the Hog…
Is this all a bit dramatic? Yes; is it also true? That’s a resounding YES.
And of course, our hats are off to ANY rider on ANY bike out in the streets; we all know the risks. However some of us are into big risks, while some others of us are highly into risk reduction. The choice is each rider’s. Raucous, responsible, rowdy, respectful…Every second is a choice to make (and maybe there's a time and place for everything after all…).
As DanDan the Fireman puts it: “A Smart Rider”:
S-seeks, recognizes and understands hazardous situations.
M-maintains fundamental motorcycle skills.
A-acquires and uses personal protective equipment.
R-rescues injured riders with medical training.
T-teaches and mentors other motorcycle mentors."
*Learning and knowledge should be the single most momentous ambition for any and all iron-horse pilots - polishing these skill sets and constantly, consistently maintaining them are second and third on the list of importance.
*It is crucial for all who ride to pay due diligence to the law while cruising on two wheels. A rider must, prior to even tempting the idea of riding, take a serious overview of the influences that may try to sway them to do something they know could be putting their health or the health of others at risk. Most laws on the books applying to the operators of motorcycles are there to protect and save; small concessions made in order to safely relish the freedoms borne of the open-air ride.
…..Unless of course, you're the other, more rowdy half; in which case, we get it - but will the Judge?
It may so happen that your head's a tad, say, thicker than others, and you don't wear a helmet cause by God it's your right and privilege, NOT to not wear a helmet, but to be the one who chooses whether or not you do (makes since); and maybe you've gone down with a non-dot or none at all, and lived to tell about it, and even do it again, we get it, your head's a little thicker than the others.
Just know unequivocally, it's in the best interest of you and everyone around you to ride sensibly as a safe, SMART rider. Verifying your motives for motorcycle riding is never a bad call, and most riders want to stay whole so the next ride can come to full and fruitful fruition - a true motivator for safety.
*The good-endings-to-bad-endings ratio is considerably canted to the bad when it comes to a choice made to ride unsafely - again, refer to any given crash compilation video found in plethora on the web. The extra-extra large strawberries, skin-breaking bone protrusions and smashed-to-smithereens cycles should be proof enough…
As Dan says, it is not only an intelligent decision, riding SMART, but a practical one. “It saves you money on hospital bills and bike repairs. Saves time recovering from crashes or injuries in the future after one-too-many crashes have wreaked havoc on your body."
Safe riding matters because we are ALL more than just motorcyclists (though it plays such an essential, influential role in our lives). The roles we inhabit undoubtedly matter to us or we would be choosing other pursuits in favor of those roles. Riding is transportation but also respite, therapy, abundance, freedom and joy. Safe riding equals safekeeping the many roles and endeavors we choose as we journal the miles into memories.
*One of the most critical tools in a rider’s repertoire is an awareness of what's going on all around them; proactively seeking out and reacting to any prospective hazads - hopefully before it's too late. And too late just happens to happen too soon, especially given all the different scenarios and factors that add up on the giant calculator called open road.
(For instance: At 60 mph, you're traveling 88 feet per second; This means you have about 2.5 seconds to: * See an obstacle, *Realize that you have to stop, *Actuate the brakes, and finally *Stop the motorcycle before it creams that big rig sitting in the middle of the road...
And…good luck, friend; without keen awareness, it'll be more than just caca smeared in your pantalones-your pantalones and all the rest of ya may be smeared on the pavement).
A tried-and-true adage is, “If you do not see the hazard, you cannot use the skills you think you have.” Get the peepers perceiving with precision and you are already ahead of the danger.
Maintaining fundamental skills (as expressed by the SmartRider Academy ) is pretty accessible to the two-wheeled * Everyman/Everywoman on our byways and highways.
A SMART Rider always PLANS:
P- positions oneself for safety
L- locates potential hazards
A- adapts to perceived hazards
N- navigates around threats with evasive maneuvers
S- sits back at the end of the day and reflects on his/her wicked awesome ride.
Acquiring and using PPE - personal protective equipment - is WAY up there on the cruciality list as well.
Recall oh-where’s-his-face from earlier (too soon?) in the post? Wear a friggin helmet that is going to at least try to protect you. You’ve crashed-you’re going to go headfirst-you're not gonna do anything about it-when you collide, with ground, car, tree, the motorbike, physics takes over….and that’s it. period. You are going to hit the ground-you NEED full gear.
It only makes sense- if not- simple fix: cruise over to YouTube and search for some After Crash Reviews with DanDan the FireMan and kick back (yes, this is much better than killing your brain with pointless content…and you can consider it an exercise). Trust us, you are going to learn a thing, or sixty. Be sure to sign up with his DDFM Crew and the Smart Riding Academy-the stuff you learn, well, it is literally worth more than a dollar amount can amply express (and it is inexpensive, to boot!).
As for Where’s-his-face?: proper PPE , possibly understanding and maintaining fundamental motorcycle skills, even simply understanding and recognizing hazardous situations to begin with may have saved the poor soul’s face, and probably his life.
These riding concepts and the techniques that represent them, and the many more taught by motorcycle riding trainers all over, are the absolute preamble to safe and SMART riding.
Take control of your riding environment today! You can’t be at the helm of all the vehicles around you, but you damn sure can do all you can tell navigate yours and your road with optimal safety, vigilance, and prowess. The stakes are too high for less.
There are multitudes of motorcycling education avenues available out there for every style rider.
In the beautiful state of North Carolina, check out:
Local Harley Shops, such as who typically offer a well-rounded selection of riding courses.
NC Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Program
China Grove, NC 28023
(704) 794-7278
These are just a few outlets to get you started and to get the rubber pointing in the right direction.
All this being said, the age-old epic of the biker and his fear of nothing is a definite badge to wear; the sentiment of the badge is one only definable by the individual rider behind the bars and in the wind.
Also, it's nice to keep the Magic Rags ™ moto in mind:
A shiny machine is most likely seen, a dull machine is likely smashed to smithereens. -Magic Rags
If you're interested in having a professional detailer slide on out to your place and shine yo' ride, cruise over to our website and check out all the wicked-awesome services we offer.
Wizard clean at a wizard price!