We’ve all seen that one guy, you know, the one who maybe admires his machine a bit too much, constantly fondling its painted and chromed parts, always with a rag in hand. But can your motorcycle's multiple surfaces get too much attention? or do they, in fact, desire and require it?
With the great assortment of options out there, from products and tools to the multitudinous professional services offered, it can be a touch difficult to make sense of it all. Magic Rags is here to assist!

The way we look at it, you have four levels of motorcycle cleaning - I’m sure we could make it even more immense and maybe even confusing, but we’ve thought it through and we believe we've succeeded in making the whole process as easy as falling off a log...
*Wash, Detail, Pro Detail, and Deluxe Detail:
Wash- cleaned of “easily removed" road grime. Just a basic and quick suds and rinse method (with variance particular to each individual).
Detail- use and application of specialty tools and cleaning agents (wash-n-wax, removal of intense road grime, cleaning and shining) on multiple surfaces
Professional Detail - hiring of a pro with specialty products and specialty tools to get to the hard-to-access spots with the intent to bring the clean machine to a visible and unignorable shine
Deluxe Detail- the baddest of the bad; most in-depth and involved - a Deluxe Detail will be performed on a motorcycle lift, nearly every surface of the machine will be attended to during this process, cleaning and conditioning each while finishing with a protectant to add shine longevity; a Deluxe Detail may include removal of certain parts/pieces (gas tank, side covers, etc.) in order to clean in places unimaginable to most riders. It's the crannies and nooks that takes the detail into the realm of Deluxe
In the detailing world, you’ll find an array of advice - some sound and some bordering the insane when it comes to the supreme care of your bike's aesthetics. Here, you’ll find a few key standards, proven by time and successes, that you can mix into your cleaning repertoire. These methods have shown proven results, however, we do not claim this is the only way to do things! We know the extreme power of knowledge and encourage research for the suiting of YOU !
Here's how we do things.....
During the Riding Season:
•Standard Washing- undoubtedly start with "bug and tar removal" cleaner; if you ride pretty much regularly through the “riding season” (if you could even believe such thing exists as a proper "season" for riding - LIFE is the season for riding!) you should be throwing suds and H2O to that thing on a solid schedule - every two (three max) weeks should do the trick to keep damage at bay.

*Also, even in between Standard Washings, we suggest a quick spray-and-wipe style cleaner be applied and wiped dry after each ride! (Warning: Do be careful not to drag your microfiber across any caked-on contaminants as this will certainly encourage unhappy results). There are several reputable brands out there- Amsoil Miracle , ProtectAll, etc.- and it literally takes only a couple minutes for the whole process. Spray on, wipe off, admire that shine and know you're making life a little easier on yourself and your hard-working professional detailer.
•Professional Detail- Magic Rags™ suggests a good overall cleaning and conditioning of the motorcycle's many surfaces at least every third or fourth Standard Wash, or with very regular riding, two Professional Detailings per month. Keeping up with this regularly can do a lot for you and your machine. Or is all that detailing talk a sham?
You can pretty much guess our stance, but it's one you've got to decide for yourself ;)
*This is also a great time to throw in some extras and add-ons to your Pro Detail by staggering the focus with different extras every few weeks during your Professional Detailing Sessions -such as Metal Polishing Add-Ons, Wheel Wax Protectant, Leather Surfaces Cleaned & Conditioned, etc. - By implementation of a detail extra rotation, you can ensure, a little at a time and without breaking the bank, that your machine is clean, retaining its quality, and much better protected in all areas.
*Important Note on Paint and Metal Polishing:
You should only polish your precious metals and paints once to twice a year; polishing too frequently can actually do more damage than one may think. Best to get a good, professional polishing in a couple times a year, followed up by professional detailing frequently throughout the year to keep up the lustre of the deeper polishing.
Deluxe Detail- Again, this is the most thorough and in-depth cleaning similar in fashion to the Professional Detailing but the tank, bags, fenders, specific covers will be removed, usually on a lift. We recommend a Deluxe Detail every several years unless you take your two wheels off road. Mud and grime must be eradicated from the scene if you want to keep your machine operating at max best. If you are showing your bike and want an edge, the Deluxe Detail may provide the angle you're looking for.

During the Non-Riding Season (If such exists):
Give your machine a thorough washing, and we strongly believe in, as you already know, a sweet detailing for off-season protection while the quiet beast hibernates. Critters, mildew, and dust abound all year and you can fight their influence with some surface detailing before
After you've thoroughly detailed the multiple surfaces of the machine, you should perform the required service standards (changing fluids, adjusting air in the tires, etc.). The final step in storage preparation is to cover the bike. We like to use the appropriate cover fitted to the specific motorcycle; you could also purchase covers for the individual painted parts, the tank and the fender covers, as well.

In Closing:
With a good idea of how and how often you should clean your ride, you'll be locked and loaded as you aim to keep it looking great while protecting your rolling investment.
Frequent, quick cleans (along with a good rotation of detail add-ons) help to save time in the long run and also make it easier when a thorough detailing is performed either by you or a Professional Detailer.
Developing small but nonetheless righteous habits like cleaning the windshield and lights after each ride or removing tree sap, tar and other road grime as soon as possible, all helps to maintain the appearance of your ride between Pro Detailing appointments. You have to give back to that steed that carries you hither and yon, and if your schedule won't allow that necessity ample time, Magic Rags™ can be your willing wingman in the name of Clean and the name of Shine - wizard clean; wizard price - brought straight to you.